An Indian Summer Day at the Carriage House Inn

Lighthouse and blulffs (800x449)

It was a perfect Indian Summer day yesterday at the Carriage House Inn and Sodus Point.  It was hard to believe it was November 4 with clear sunny skies and the thermometer at 73 degrees. The silvery waters of Lake Ontario lived up to its Iroquois Indian name: “Sodus”, capturing this lovely reflection of the lighthouse in the waters of the lake.

At the Inn, we are busy getting the grounds ready for winter–herding leaves into large piles, putting away outdooor furniture until spring, closing down  flower and vegaetable gardens, and moving the herb garden inside to season our breakfast dishes all winter long.

Just a reminder that we will are open all year, and Sodus Point is a great area to visit in every season.  We look forward to seeing you at the Point!

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